Wednesday, 2 September 2015


If you didn't already know, I graduated from the University of Huddersfield with a 2:1 degree in History, and if I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm quite proud of myself!

Anyway, I thought I would upload some photo's from my graduation. There isn't many but here they are. Enjoy!

My boyfriend and I with our fancy caps and gowns on. Don't we look like a sight for sore eyes!

I love this photo, it's a shame my mum's camera was blurry!

Not the best photo, but hey ho! My dad took this whilst I was in the middle of a sentence and not prepared at all!

Here is me in my complete graduation get up!

I hope this gets those of you starting you're last year at university/college excited for what's to come! :D

Paige xo

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Book blogging

So I've been thinking about what I want to do and where I want to go with my blog.
Then I had the bright idea of book blogging!

Books are one of my passions and I read and watch so many book bloggers, I thought I might try my hand at it. Although, my blog won't be entirely dedicated to books, I do have other interests! But the majority of my posts will be based on the wonderful world of reading.

To start with, Here's a photo of me with what I am currently reading :D

I hope you're looking forward to the review!
Paige xo

Thursday, 20 August 2015

So it has been a while!

I guess I should start with the question 'What have I been up to during my blogging break?'
Well, I've just been busy with general life things!

I went on my birthday holiday to Rome, which was INCREDIBLE! I loved it and I am dying to go back already... but there'll be more on that in another post.

I also graduated from university. How exciting is that?! Graduation went smoothly and I didn't fall over, I call that a success! Again, I'm probably going to a whole other post about my graduation.
Finally, I've just been going on the worlds most difficult quest, also known as job hunting. So far this hasn't been going as successfully as I imagined it would. When I signed up for university I was promised the guarantee that I could finish university and employers would be begging at my feet to hire me. I have since found that this is not the case. Job hunting itself is like a full-time job and this is what has been occupying my time the most! I've had a few interviews, but nothing has come of them unfortunately.
However, I had an interview just this morning for Lush handmade cosmetics as a Christmas temp. I worked there last Christmas, so hopefully they take me on again and I can finally have a little bit of money coming in! I also have another interview tomorrow at my local leisure centre. Sure, these aren't the big and exciting job that I thought I would walk straight into, but at the moment I'm in the mindset of 'a job is a job'. 


So far in this post I have been playing it cool about my interviews. But there is also one other very exciting job opportunity that I have an interview for, and that is.....
working as a cultural representative at DISNEY. FREAKING DISNEY!
This has been my dream job since I was about 8 years old and I'm on the first step to achieving that goal! I AM SO EXCITED! It is a pre-screen group interview in Essex, so I am having to travel quite a way, but I am so willing to do that for this opportunity! At the moment that is all I know, but I will let you guys know how I get on!

Thanks for reading!
Paige xo

Monday, 8 June 2015

Rome travel journal!

So as I mentioned in my last post, I will be going to Rome pretty soon (on the 25th to be more precise :D) and I really cannot wait!

Because I am so excited to go, I thought I would create a travel journal of sorts for my trip!

This is what I have so far:

This is all I have so far, but I will be adding more to it soon!
Basically, I created this Rome travel journal as a way to keep track of everything that needs doing and where we want to go etc. But as it is quite a chunky notebook, I thought I would also use it to journal everything we did on our trip.

The layout is as you can see in the images, part one is checklists, phrases we need to know etc, then the second half is going to be a travel journal of everything we did :)

I still need to add more places to visit in each of the Roman districts and more basic phrases but I'm loving how it;s coming along so far!
Obviously we're not going to visit all of these places on this trip, but I am hoping to go back at some point and visit all the places I didn't get to go to this time around :)

To fill it out we're going to be collecting receipts, tickets, leaflets, bottle caps, wrappers, and loads of other fun things like that.
Most of the finishing off will be done when we return because I have loads of fun scrapbook paper and project life cards that I want to use in it.

I'll keep you guys updated on how it gets filled out and anything else I decide to add to it :D

Paige xo

Friday, 5 June 2015

My trip to Rome!

For my birthday this year, I asked for a holiday.

I know, I know,  it's a HUGE  present to ask for, but I figured it's my 21st birthday so I could ask for something big! My parents were kind enough to agree to it so now I'M GOING TO ROME! 
I have never been so excited for anything before in my life! I'll be going with my boyfriend for 6 days and it's going to be amazing :)

The last time I went on a holiday abroad was about 7/8 years ago! I need a holiday so badly!

Since my last holiday I have: Finished high school, did my GCSE's, Started college, did my A-Levels, finished college, started university, did a 12,000 word dissertation, and finished university. I think I deserve this holiday before I go into the big wide world of adult.

There'll be a blog post up soon about when, where we're planning on going, what we plan on doing and all that fun stuff. And of course there'll be a post after my trip of how we got on!

Paige xo

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Book Review: Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaria

3.5/5 Stars
I really enjoyed this book, but it was really slow to begin with. It took me about a week to get through the first half of the book because it didn’t really hold my interest that much but I pushed through and I’m so glad I did.
The second half of the book was so good! A lot of questions were answered and these answers weren’t rushed like they were in other books *cough* Allegiant *Cough*.
The book was relatable and I loved the romance but I would have liked to have seen more of the development of the relationship between Laurel and Sky, it’s like one minute she was admiring him and the next they'e fondling each other in his truck without any explanation as to how they got there!
There was a lot of depth to the story and it was incredibly touching when you find out Laurel’s back story and the reasons why her sister May died.
To conclude, it was a brilliant book, slow to get into but it is well worth pushing through that and you will be rewarded for your perseverance with it!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Book Review: Isla and the Happily Ever After

Rating: 5/5*
I loved this book so much! I was so excited when it was first released and I had been waiting to read it for what felt like forever. It was definitely well worth the wait!
I read the entire book in one sitting because I just could not put it down!! It made me laugh, cry and feel all of the feels (It might not have helped that I was reading this at 2 in the morning).
It was so nice to see all of our old favourites from the previous books in the ‘series’, the scene with all of them together was my favourite part of the book because it allowed us to see how different all of these couples are but how they interacted so effortlessly,
I especially loved that the book just got stuck straight in with the relationship aspect. We actually got to see the what the relationship is like after the declarations of love, whereas in the other books and in romance books in general, we are usually subjected to reading about the life of the characters and most of the book builds up to when they first meet/when they finally decide to get together and we never actuallt get to see what their relationship is like because the books cut off. With Isla and the happily ever after, this isn’t the case, they get together within the first 100/150 pages and then we get to see the difficulties they face as a couple and what challenges they have to overcome as a couple but also as individuals.
I like that we got to learn more about Josh as well (well duh, he;s one of the main characters in this book!) because I really didn’t like him much in the bits we saw of him in Anna and the french kiss, but in this one we get to know him better and he is just so lovable! Josh is definitely my kind of guy!
But if you haven’t read this companion series, I highly recommend that you do!

Monday, 1 June 2015

Get to know me!

Now that you have been introduced to my blog, let me introduce you to me!
Here's a photo of me, so you know what I look like!
Here's a photo of me, so you know what I look like!

I figured the easiest way to do this is to get to the point and do a 'ten facts about me' kind of deal.
  1. My name is Paige Cullen.
  2. I have recently completed my final year of University where I studied History.
  3. I have 2 younger sisters, that I love to bits!
  4. My birthday is on the 23rd June. I'll be turning 21 this year!
  5. I have a passion for travel and I should hopefully be going to Rome soon :D
  6. I have the most amazing boyfriend, who I love very much. We have only been together for 5 months, but we were friends for 2 years prior to getting together.
  7. I am currently enrolled on an online TEFL course and I hope to go to China to teach English at some point.
  8. I currently only have one tattoo at the top of my back. I would like to get more, I've just not decided on what I want yet.
  9. Lush is my favourite shop, I worked there over Christmas and I loved it, it was one of the best jobs I have ever done! I didn't get kept on though, sad times.
  10. I have only just gotten around to watching Lost. I am addicted, I don't know why I didn't watch it sooner!
There you have it, ten facts about me!
Paige xo

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hey guys!

So I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so apologies if it's not great to begin with!
What I really want to do with this blog is encourage myself to write more, whilst telling people what's going on in my life, what I'm loving, and what I'm hating. Essentially this is going to be a lifestyle blog.

So what can you expect from me?

Well, the material I will posting is mostly going to consist of: Book reviews, hauls, concert reviews, tips for university, updates on how my job hunting experience is going now that I've finished university, my favourites, recipes, travel, and much, much, more!
I hope you enjoy :)
Paige xo